Section 2. Upon the confirmation of the death of a national member, the national president and a team of local officers of the deceased member’s branch shall meet with the immediately family members and the deceased member’s church to discuss about wake-keeping and funeral services.
Section 3. If an immediately family member (son, daughter, father, mother, husband or wife) of a member of the association died, the local president of the member’s branch shall inform the national administration. The national administration in its policies shall fulfill Article I section 7 of the bylaws by imposing a fee per member. A tribute on behalf of the administration should be made at a memorial service of the deceased.
Section 4. When a national member of the Joint Christian Choir Association as an affiliate member of the JCCA-USA in another country died (Article I Section 2, of the constitution) the national administration shall within its policies fulfill Article I Section 7 of the bylaws by imposing a fee per member.
Section 5. A tribute on behalf of the association for a deceased member such as donations shall be adopted by the national board of directors and be carried out by the national administration to the rightful bereaved family members.
Section 6. The national board of directors and the national administration shall design a provision for a memorial of national and international officers of the association who shall die in active service. Such memorial could be in a cash value or an object for memorial.
Article VIII Committees and Functions
Besides the National Executive Committee, there should be no more than two members of a branch serving on the same standing or special committees of the association.
Section 1. The National Executive Committee shall comprise of all elected and appointed officers of the national administration. The president is the presiding officer of the national executive committee (NEC).
(a) The national executive committee shall run the day to day activities of the association.
(b) All cases that shall derive from the national administration should be investigated by the grievance committee. All other administrative cases from the local branches must be settled within the administration of those local branches. And in the event that an issue cannot be resolved amicably, it shall be the responsibility of the national executive committee to resolve it.
© If the administration cannot settle what may be considered a major issue; it should then send it to the national board of directors.
(d) No matters that have not reached the attention of the national administration shall go directly to the national board of directors, nor shall the national administration send any matter to the national board of directors that it has not tried or investigated.
(e) The national executive committee shall recommend to the national board individuals or institutions to be honorary members for approval.
Section 2. Membership Committee of three members shall be responsible to register the names of national members in the national membership role book of the association as well as enter the names of honorary members and institutions. The role of national members shall be called at all scheduled assembly members meetings and conferences of the association.
Section 3. The names of previous conference attendance shall be printed in the bulletin of the next conference so that members will be aware of those who were in attendance.
Section 2. The Outreach Committee shall be compose of nine members. The committee shall reach out to the community in the name of Jesus Christ, to relate them to God, to nurture and strengthen them and encourage them to participate in the singing ministry of the JCCA-USA through songs and music.
Section 3. The Finance Committee shall be composed of five members. The committee shall be responsible to receive money during fund raising programs, conferences and advise the association on financial matters and sell souvenir items.
(a) Money raised at an occasion or conference shall be announced and submitted to the national treasurer with a signed report of the amount.
(b) Such a report of the amount raised shall be signed by the chairperson and members of the committee and copies distributed among presidents and chairperson of the board of directors.
Only members of the committee are responsible to handle finances during conferences, programs and special occasions.
Section 4. The Planning and Program Committee shall be composed of five members. The committee shall be responsible to plan and execute programs for the association.
(a) Bulletin for conference and anniversary programs should be prepared and distributed one month prior to the date of conference or aniversary celebration.
(b) Bulletin for special programs such as fundraisers should be prepared one week prior to the date of the program.
Section 5. The Grievance Committee shall be composed of seven members. The committee shall be responsible to investigate all matters of national issues.
(a) all trials shall be held in executive session
(b) the accused shall have the right to due process - be notified of the charges and given times to prepare a defense.
© decisions from the committee shall be submitted to the president for action.(d) Inse of penalties, the general assembly shall be informed and to vote on the kind of penalties.
Section 6. The Award and Entertainment Committee shall be composed of five members. The committee shall be responsible to receive names of people to be awarded and the type of awards during annual conference or at the anniversary celebration. The administration shall set the criteria for nominees.
Section 7. The Credential Committee shall be composed of five members. The committee shall be responsible to register members to the conference, hand out badges and conference bulletins, arrange for video or other media settings during conference or special occasions of the association.
Section 8. The Project Committee shall be composed of three members. The committee shall be responsible to design short and long range strategies for projects of the association. The committee in collaboration with the finance committee shall plan fund raising programs for projects of the association.
Section 9. The Memorial Committee shall be composed of three members. The committee shall be responsible to receive names of deceased members of the association and plan a service during annual conference and the birth anniversary. This committee is amendable to the national board of directors.
Section 10. The Internal Audit Committee shall be composed of three members who shall have accountant backgrounds. The committee shall be responsible to conduct internal audit of the association twice annually. The report of the committee shall be heard at an assembly meeting of the association or at a special called meeting of the national board of directors. The committee is amenable to the board.
Section 11. The committee on education is responsible to seek means by which members of the association can obtain opportunity for training; establish educational institutions and to seek scholarship for deserving members and children.
Article IXCode of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers
It is the association’s intention to provide members with the highest degree of confidence that its financial control systems are implemented and maintained by Financial Officers who exhibit the highest degree of integrity and are free from actual or apparent conflicts of interest whether in the United States or in other countries that this association may be established.
Standard of Conduct
The Financial Code of Ethics shall apply to all Financial Officers of the Association. The term Financial Officers shall mean chairman of the board of directors, national and local presidents, treasurer, financial secretary, and other designated committee that shall be established by the National Executive Committee. Under this code of ethics, the Association’s Senior Financial Officers are expected to conduct the financial, accounting, reporting, and auditing activities of the Association with all laws and regulations and in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Each Senior Financial Officer is responsible to do the following:
a) Act in all the association financial and accounting matters as a model of honesty, integrity and fair dealing. (b) Owe and fulfill the highest duty of care to the association’s finances.
© Avoid becoming involve or approving any transaction that create an actual or apparent conflict of interest between the Financial Officers and members of the association. (d) To the maximum extent possible, take actions and develop financial and accounting procedures that ensure the association’s books and records are accurate, and in conformance with recognized and required accounting standards, nationally and internationally. e) Report any proposals or attempts by others to record any inaccurately or keep transaction off the association’s books and records, and never approve permit, or engage in such activities. (f) Never approve, authorize or participate in any activity that involves the falsification of documents or accounts, the making of misleading or intentionally incomplete entries into the association’s books and records. (g) Ensure to the maximum extent possible that no officers or directors use the association funds for personal benefit without the approval of the National Executive Committee and the board of directors. (h) Provide full, fair, timely, accurate and understandable disclosure in the nthly orquarterly reports, as appropriate, to the National Executive ommittee any violation or leak that may affect the progress of the association records. (I) proactively promote ethical behavior as a responsible Christian and comply with the rules and regulations of federal, state, and local government.
Article X
Monitoring Procedures
The financial code of ethics for Financial Officers is not limited to the actions described in Article IX, nor is it intended to address or anticipate all situations of the association’s books, records, and accounts, as well as the integrity of all financial disclosures and dealings of the association.
Section 1. All members of the association have the responsibility to inform the administration, board of directors or NEC of observed or suspected violations of the association code of ethics, as well as any activity that might constitute financial fraud or financial misconduct.
Section 2. Any Financial Officer of the association who will not adhere to the JCCA USA Financial Code of Ethics will be dealt with in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of this Association and the law of the state.
Article XI
International Conference
In the event that JCCA-USA has affiliate organizations in Liberia and other countries in the world that are in full connection, there shall be triennial international conference of the Association.
Section 1. The triennial international conference shall supersede the national conference in the country that such international conference shall be held. Each branch of the association of that country shall be represented at the triennial international conference.
Section 2. JCCA-USA shall send delegates to each triennial international conference. The delegates shall comprise of members of the administration and the board of directors.
Section 3. Delegates from the national administration shall be the president, secretary and the choir director. The delegates from the board shall be the chair and vice chair or their designees. The delegates to the triennial conference will be financially assisted by the Association.
Section 4. There shall be volunteer delegates. The volunteer delegates shall be members who shall be willing to attend the triennial conference on their own accounts but will be recognized, giving voting rights to participate and attend every session of the triennial conference. The administration should design programs that will financially assist volunteer delegates and the association for triennial conferences.
Article XII
Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations and elections is amenable to the national board of directors. The nominating committee shall be composed of seven members. The committee is responsible to receive names of candidates seeking positions for offices. The committee of seven members shall meet for the purpose of discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each of the candidates for each of the offices, and then determine which candidate to slate for each office. Confidentiality is the necessary part of the nominating committee. The same shall devolve on the local board of directors.
Section 2. The members of the nominating committee are not barred from being nominated for positions.
Section 3. After the committee has brought in the qualified candidates for each position, the presiding officer can call for nominations from the floor to give each member a chance to exercise his or her right to fully participate in the selection of the nominees. Each candidate may be given at lease five minutes to speak.
Section 4. General and local elections must be by ballot. It takes a majority vote to elect a person to an office.
Section 5. A committee of tellers shall be appointed and be responsible to count the ballot. Only members whom the assembly considers to be honest, accurate, and dependable should be appointed to count the ballot. The tellers shall distribute, collect, and count the ballots and then report that count.
Section 6 The chairperson and members of the tellers shall prepare and sign a report that shall be read to the assembly. The report shall include the number of votes cast and the number of each candidate or side received, each listed separately. The chairperson of the tellers shall read the report and the presiding officer shall use the report to declare who is elected for each position.
Article XIII
Removal Proceeding
Section 1. The cause for removing any officer of the association from office shall be the violation of this constitution and bylaws, misappropriation of funds and resources, misuse of power, misbehavior and immoral activities.
Section 2. All cases involving the removal of any elected local officer shall start from the signing of a bill of removal from the membership of a branch in which the officer is serving. The signed bill shall be submitted to the chairperson of the local board of directors. The chairperson shall convene a meeting with the leadership of the branch for the purpose of an executive trial for removal. The chairperson of the local board in this proceeding shall chair the committee.
Section 3. No officer shall be subject to removal from office without a two-thirds majority vote of the executive committee. The chairperson shall call an emergency meeting of the branch to announce its finding. A person removed from office may be liable and subject to lawsuit in cases of misappropriation, embezzlement and or misuse of the association’s funds and or property, upon the person failure to settle the matter peacefully.
Section 4. The general membership shall have the right to petition the national board of directors to commence removal proceeding against any elected national officer and or national board member of the association. The petition shall be signed by the majority of members of all the branches of the association. When the petition is received, the chairperson of the board of directors shall within two weeks appoint a committee of nine to investigate the charges. If it involved the chairperson of the national board, the vice chairperson shall proceed with the appointment of a committee of nine.
Section 5. The committee of nine shall investigate the validity of the reports and to see if charges should be made. If the committee finds the reports are untrue, then it shall prepare a report and resolution for clearing the accused. If the committee finds substantial evidence that the report is true, then it shall report the finding and prefer a charge(s).
Section 6. The accused shall be notified of the charge(s), given a time to prepare a defense, and the right to appear and go through the due process of the matter involved.
Section 7. The committee shall submit resolutions to the board. The board shall call an emergency meeting of the general membership to report the findings of the committee of nine. The general membership shall vote on the penalties.
Voting shall be by
Article Violation
Section 1. The discipline of the association shall be in accordance with biblical principles and Spiritual Order of Discipline as lay down in Matthew 15:19; 18:15-20. When a member has failed to comply with the application of Scriptural measures, he/she has duly violated the constitution and bylaws and shall be punished for the first and second offenses. After that, the next step shall be expulsion from the association base on a two-thirds majority vote at a general assembly meeting or a special called meeting.
Section 2. Anyone engages in a practice of false doctrine, and scandalous life shall be subject to the violation of this constitution. In such a case, the Grievance committee shall investigate the matter with proper procedural measures. The committee shall recommend its findings to the executive committee. The executive committee shall submit the report of the findings to the national board for appropriate action.
Section 3. Any expelled member can be reconsidered for readmission. Two-thirds majority vote of the board shall effect the reinstatement based on their conviction of change.
Article XV
Section 1. This constitution and bylaws shall immediately come into force after its adoption by the assembly of members at an assembly meeting or at an annual conference of the association.
Section 2. Immediately after its adoption, this constitution and bylaws shall be the supreme laws of the association and its provisions shall be binding on all members.
Article XVI
Section 1. All officers of the association elected or appointed to the coming into force of this constitution and bylaws shall continue to serve as if they were elected or appointed under the provision of this constitution and bylaws.
Section 2. The first general elections of officers of the association and members of the board shall be held on the Saturday of the annual of the association in the month of June and be inaugurated the next day.
Article XVII
Section 1. Amendment to these bylaws shall be effected by approval of two-thirds majority of the association members during an assembly meeting at a conference or a special called meeting.
Section 2. Any branch of the association may recommend amendment to these bylaws. In such a case, the proposed amendment must be filed with the national board of directors through its secretary at least three months prior to a called assembly meeting of the association.
Section 3 . All amendment must be approved by two-thirds vote of all branches of the association at an assembly meeting.
Article XVIII
The Joint Christian Choir Association of theUnited States of America, as a Christian organization is for life, but if at anytime there is a reason for dissolution the real estate and property of the association, its temporalities and revenues and all rights and benefits therein connected, shall be turned over to a selected Christian organization or a church denomination that is or was a member of the association. Drafted on the 5th day of December A.D. 2009 at the Christ Assembly Church,
664 Broadway, in the city of Newark, New Jersey by the Constitution Committee; adopted by the General Assembly Meeting of JCCA-USA held on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at the First United Christian Church, 109 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, New York.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we set our hands and affix our signatures to this Constitution and Bylaws this 16th day of January 2010.
Constitution Committee
__________________________________ _____________________________
James B.W. Nauhn, Chairman, New York Miranda L. Campbell, Co-Chair, Newark
________________________________________ __________________________________
Ben D. Wilson Sulo, Secretary, Trenton Branch Philip Gaye, Member, New York Branch
________________________________________ ___________________________________
Dorcas Nauhn, Member, New York Branch Charles D. Carter, Member, Newark
________________________________________ _____________________________
Solomon K. Forkay, Member, Philadelphia V. Alexander Kpah, Sr., Member, Trenton
.....................................*.THE END OF JCCA-USA CONSTITUTION LAWS*.............................................
Webmaster : G. Gibson Zarkar, Hamilton, NJ USA...
Section 3. If an immediately family member (son, daughter, father, mother, husband or wife) of a member of the association died, the local president of the member’s branch shall inform the national administration. The national administration in its policies shall fulfill Article I section 7 of the bylaws by imposing a fee per member. A tribute on behalf of the administration should be made at a memorial service of the deceased.
Section 4. When a national member of the Joint Christian Choir Association as an affiliate member of the JCCA-USA in another country died (Article I Section 2, of the constitution) the national administration shall within its policies fulfill Article I Section 7 of the bylaws by imposing a fee per member.
Section 5. A tribute on behalf of the association for a deceased member such as donations shall be adopted by the national board of directors and be carried out by the national administration to the rightful bereaved family members.
Section 6. The national board of directors and the national administration shall design a provision for a memorial of national and international officers of the association who shall die in active service. Such memorial could be in a cash value or an object for memorial.
Article VIII Committees and Functions
Besides the National Executive Committee, there should be no more than two members of a branch serving on the same standing or special committees of the association.
Section 1. The National Executive Committee shall comprise of all elected and appointed officers of the national administration. The president is the presiding officer of the national executive committee (NEC).
(a) The national executive committee shall run the day to day activities of the association.
(b) All cases that shall derive from the national administration should be investigated by the grievance committee. All other administrative cases from the local branches must be settled within the administration of those local branches. And in the event that an issue cannot be resolved amicably, it shall be the responsibility of the national executive committee to resolve it.
© If the administration cannot settle what may be considered a major issue; it should then send it to the national board of directors.
(d) No matters that have not reached the attention of the national administration shall go directly to the national board of directors, nor shall the national administration send any matter to the national board of directors that it has not tried or investigated.
(e) The national executive committee shall recommend to the national board individuals or institutions to be honorary members for approval.
Section 2. Membership Committee of three members shall be responsible to register the names of national members in the national membership role book of the association as well as enter the names of honorary members and institutions. The role of national members shall be called at all scheduled assembly members meetings and conferences of the association.
Section 3. The names of previous conference attendance shall be printed in the bulletin of the next conference so that members will be aware of those who were in attendance.
Section 2. The Outreach Committee shall be compose of nine members. The committee shall reach out to the community in the name of Jesus Christ, to relate them to God, to nurture and strengthen them and encourage them to participate in the singing ministry of the JCCA-USA through songs and music.
Section 3. The Finance Committee shall be composed of five members. The committee shall be responsible to receive money during fund raising programs, conferences and advise the association on financial matters and sell souvenir items.
(a) Money raised at an occasion or conference shall be announced and submitted to the national treasurer with a signed report of the amount.
(b) Such a report of the amount raised shall be signed by the chairperson and members of the committee and copies distributed among presidents and chairperson of the board of directors.
Only members of the committee are responsible to handle finances during conferences, programs and special occasions.
Section 4. The Planning and Program Committee shall be composed of five members. The committee shall be responsible to plan and execute programs for the association.
(a) Bulletin for conference and anniversary programs should be prepared and distributed one month prior to the date of conference or aniversary celebration.
(b) Bulletin for special programs such as fundraisers should be prepared one week prior to the date of the program.
Section 5. The Grievance Committee shall be composed of seven members. The committee shall be responsible to investigate all matters of national issues.
(a) all trials shall be held in executive session
(b) the accused shall have the right to due process - be notified of the charges and given times to prepare a defense.
© decisions from the committee shall be submitted to the president for action.(d) Inse of penalties, the general assembly shall be informed and to vote on the kind of penalties.
Section 6. The Award and Entertainment Committee shall be composed of five members. The committee shall be responsible to receive names of people to be awarded and the type of awards during annual conference or at the anniversary celebration. The administration shall set the criteria for nominees.
Section 7. The Credential Committee shall be composed of five members. The committee shall be responsible to register members to the conference, hand out badges and conference bulletins, arrange for video or other media settings during conference or special occasions of the association.
Section 8. The Project Committee shall be composed of three members. The committee shall be responsible to design short and long range strategies for projects of the association. The committee in collaboration with the finance committee shall plan fund raising programs for projects of the association.
Section 9. The Memorial Committee shall be composed of three members. The committee shall be responsible to receive names of deceased members of the association and plan a service during annual conference and the birth anniversary. This committee is amendable to the national board of directors.
Section 10. The Internal Audit Committee shall be composed of three members who shall have accountant backgrounds. The committee shall be responsible to conduct internal audit of the association twice annually. The report of the committee shall be heard at an assembly meeting of the association or at a special called meeting of the national board of directors. The committee is amenable to the board.
Section 11. The committee on education is responsible to seek means by which members of the association can obtain opportunity for training; establish educational institutions and to seek scholarship for deserving members and children.
Article IXCode of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers
It is the association’s intention to provide members with the highest degree of confidence that its financial control systems are implemented and maintained by Financial Officers who exhibit the highest degree of integrity and are free from actual or apparent conflicts of interest whether in the United States or in other countries that this association may be established.
Standard of Conduct
The Financial Code of Ethics shall apply to all Financial Officers of the Association. The term Financial Officers shall mean chairman of the board of directors, national and local presidents, treasurer, financial secretary, and other designated committee that shall be established by the National Executive Committee. Under this code of ethics, the Association’s Senior Financial Officers are expected to conduct the financial, accounting, reporting, and auditing activities of the Association with all laws and regulations and in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Each Senior Financial Officer is responsible to do the following:
a) Act in all the association financial and accounting matters as a model of honesty, integrity and fair dealing. (b) Owe and fulfill the highest duty of care to the association’s finances.
© Avoid becoming involve or approving any transaction that create an actual or apparent conflict of interest between the Financial Officers and members of the association. (d) To the maximum extent possible, take actions and develop financial and accounting procedures that ensure the association’s books and records are accurate, and in conformance with recognized and required accounting standards, nationally and internationally. e) Report any proposals or attempts by others to record any inaccurately or keep transaction off the association’s books and records, and never approve permit, or engage in such activities. (f) Never approve, authorize or participate in any activity that involves the falsification of documents or accounts, the making of misleading or intentionally incomplete entries into the association’s books and records. (g) Ensure to the maximum extent possible that no officers or directors use the association funds for personal benefit without the approval of the National Executive Committee and the board of directors. (h) Provide full, fair, timely, accurate and understandable disclosure in the nthly orquarterly reports, as appropriate, to the National Executive ommittee any violation or leak that may affect the progress of the association records. (I) proactively promote ethical behavior as a responsible Christian and comply with the rules and regulations of federal, state, and local government.
Article X
Monitoring Procedures
The financial code of ethics for Financial Officers is not limited to the actions described in Article IX, nor is it intended to address or anticipate all situations of the association’s books, records, and accounts, as well as the integrity of all financial disclosures and dealings of the association.
Section 1. All members of the association have the responsibility to inform the administration, board of directors or NEC of observed or suspected violations of the association code of ethics, as well as any activity that might constitute financial fraud or financial misconduct.
Section 2. Any Financial Officer of the association who will not adhere to the JCCA USA Financial Code of Ethics will be dealt with in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of this Association and the law of the state.
Article XI
International Conference
In the event that JCCA-USA has affiliate organizations in Liberia and other countries in the world that are in full connection, there shall be triennial international conference of the Association.
Section 1. The triennial international conference shall supersede the national conference in the country that such international conference shall be held. Each branch of the association of that country shall be represented at the triennial international conference.
Section 2. JCCA-USA shall send delegates to each triennial international conference. The delegates shall comprise of members of the administration and the board of directors.
Section 3. Delegates from the national administration shall be the president, secretary and the choir director. The delegates from the board shall be the chair and vice chair or their designees. The delegates to the triennial conference will be financially assisted by the Association.
Section 4. There shall be volunteer delegates. The volunteer delegates shall be members who shall be willing to attend the triennial conference on their own accounts but will be recognized, giving voting rights to participate and attend every session of the triennial conference. The administration should design programs that will financially assist volunteer delegates and the association for triennial conferences.
Article XII
Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations and elections is amenable to the national board of directors. The nominating committee shall be composed of seven members. The committee is responsible to receive names of candidates seeking positions for offices. The committee of seven members shall meet for the purpose of discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each of the candidates for each of the offices, and then determine which candidate to slate for each office. Confidentiality is the necessary part of the nominating committee. The same shall devolve on the local board of directors.
Section 2. The members of the nominating committee are not barred from being nominated for positions.
Section 3. After the committee has brought in the qualified candidates for each position, the presiding officer can call for nominations from the floor to give each member a chance to exercise his or her right to fully participate in the selection of the nominees. Each candidate may be given at lease five minutes to speak.
Section 4. General and local elections must be by ballot. It takes a majority vote to elect a person to an office.
Section 5. A committee of tellers shall be appointed and be responsible to count the ballot. Only members whom the assembly considers to be honest, accurate, and dependable should be appointed to count the ballot. The tellers shall distribute, collect, and count the ballots and then report that count.
Section 6 The chairperson and members of the tellers shall prepare and sign a report that shall be read to the assembly. The report shall include the number of votes cast and the number of each candidate or side received, each listed separately. The chairperson of the tellers shall read the report and the presiding officer shall use the report to declare who is elected for each position.
Article XIII
Removal Proceeding
Section 1. The cause for removing any officer of the association from office shall be the violation of this constitution and bylaws, misappropriation of funds and resources, misuse of power, misbehavior and immoral activities.
Section 2. All cases involving the removal of any elected local officer shall start from the signing of a bill of removal from the membership of a branch in which the officer is serving. The signed bill shall be submitted to the chairperson of the local board of directors. The chairperson shall convene a meeting with the leadership of the branch for the purpose of an executive trial for removal. The chairperson of the local board in this proceeding shall chair the committee.
Section 3. No officer shall be subject to removal from office without a two-thirds majority vote of the executive committee. The chairperson shall call an emergency meeting of the branch to announce its finding. A person removed from office may be liable and subject to lawsuit in cases of misappropriation, embezzlement and or misuse of the association’s funds and or property, upon the person failure to settle the matter peacefully.
Section 4. The general membership shall have the right to petition the national board of directors to commence removal proceeding against any elected national officer and or national board member of the association. The petition shall be signed by the majority of members of all the branches of the association. When the petition is received, the chairperson of the board of directors shall within two weeks appoint a committee of nine to investigate the charges. If it involved the chairperson of the national board, the vice chairperson shall proceed with the appointment of a committee of nine.
Section 5. The committee of nine shall investigate the validity of the reports and to see if charges should be made. If the committee finds the reports are untrue, then it shall prepare a report and resolution for clearing the accused. If the committee finds substantial evidence that the report is true, then it shall report the finding and prefer a charge(s).
Section 6. The accused shall be notified of the charge(s), given a time to prepare a defense, and the right to appear and go through the due process of the matter involved.
Section 7. The committee shall submit resolutions to the board. The board shall call an emergency meeting of the general membership to report the findings of the committee of nine. The general membership shall vote on the penalties.
Voting shall be by
Article Violation
Section 1. The discipline of the association shall be in accordance with biblical principles and Spiritual Order of Discipline as lay down in Matthew 15:19; 18:15-20. When a member has failed to comply with the application of Scriptural measures, he/she has duly violated the constitution and bylaws and shall be punished for the first and second offenses. After that, the next step shall be expulsion from the association base on a two-thirds majority vote at a general assembly meeting or a special called meeting.
Section 2. Anyone engages in a practice of false doctrine, and scandalous life shall be subject to the violation of this constitution. In such a case, the Grievance committee shall investigate the matter with proper procedural measures. The committee shall recommend its findings to the executive committee. The executive committee shall submit the report of the findings to the national board for appropriate action.
Section 3. Any expelled member can be reconsidered for readmission. Two-thirds majority vote of the board shall effect the reinstatement based on their conviction of change.
Article XV
Section 1. This constitution and bylaws shall immediately come into force after its adoption by the assembly of members at an assembly meeting or at an annual conference of the association.
Section 2. Immediately after its adoption, this constitution and bylaws shall be the supreme laws of the association and its provisions shall be binding on all members.
Article XVI
Section 1. All officers of the association elected or appointed to the coming into force of this constitution and bylaws shall continue to serve as if they were elected or appointed under the provision of this constitution and bylaws.
Section 2. The first general elections of officers of the association and members of the board shall be held on the Saturday of the annual of the association in the month of June and be inaugurated the next day.
Article XVII
Section 1. Amendment to these bylaws shall be effected by approval of two-thirds majority of the association members during an assembly meeting at a conference or a special called meeting.
Section 2. Any branch of the association may recommend amendment to these bylaws. In such a case, the proposed amendment must be filed with the national board of directors through its secretary at least three months prior to a called assembly meeting of the association.
Section 3 . All amendment must be approved by two-thirds vote of all branches of the association at an assembly meeting.
Article XVIII
The Joint Christian Choir Association of theUnited States of America, as a Christian organization is for life, but if at anytime there is a reason for dissolution the real estate and property of the association, its temporalities and revenues and all rights and benefits therein connected, shall be turned over to a selected Christian organization or a church denomination that is or was a member of the association. Drafted on the 5th day of December A.D. 2009 at the Christ Assembly Church,
664 Broadway, in the city of Newark, New Jersey by the Constitution Committee; adopted by the General Assembly Meeting of JCCA-USA held on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at the First United Christian Church, 109 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, New York.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we set our hands and affix our signatures to this Constitution and Bylaws this 16th day of January 2010.
Constitution Committee
__________________________________ _____________________________
James B.W. Nauhn, Chairman, New York Miranda L. Campbell, Co-Chair, Newark
________________________________________ __________________________________
Ben D. Wilson Sulo, Secretary, Trenton Branch Philip Gaye, Member, New York Branch
________________________________________ ___________________________________
Dorcas Nauhn, Member, New York Branch Charles D. Carter, Member, Newark
________________________________________ _____________________________
Solomon K. Forkay, Member, Philadelphia V. Alexander Kpah, Sr., Member, Trenton
.....................................*.THE END OF JCCA-USA CONSTITUTION LAWS*.............................................
Webmaster : G. Gibson Zarkar, Hamilton, NJ USA...