Preamble We, members of the Liberian Christian community residing in the United States of America, with diverse cultural backgrounds, having the quest for togetherness driven by a motivation of unity and the need to evolve appropriate programs to care for our elders and nurture the spiritual growth of our children and, having been brought together by the Holy Spirit to fulfill the vision and yearning of Jesus Christ to call humankind towards that unity which exists in the Godhead, do hereby constitute ourselves into a nondenominational Christian organization to be named and styled as the Joint Christian Choir Association of the United States of America.
Article I: Name and Headquarters Section 1. The name of this organization shall be called the Joint Christian Choir Association of (JCCA) the United States of America, hereinafter referred to as “JCCA-USA“. Section 2. The National Headquarters of the joint Christian Choir Association shall be located in the state of New York. The official address shall be decided by the board. Section 3. The association shall establish branches in every state in the United States and other countries outside its border as the need arises. Article II: Incorporation JCCA-USA shall be incorporated according to the law of the United States of America as a nondenominational “Not-for-profit religious and educational organization”. Article III: General Principles The purpose of the Joint Christian Choir Association of the United States of America (JCCA-USA) shall be: A). To initiate, facilitate and support the fostering of and developing a community of faith to work mutually with church denominations in common growth, and development of a spiritual life of sacrifice, service and witness in songs and music; B). To creates and nurture relationships and connections among churches; thereby encouraging, and strengthening various language groups to translate biblical stories and messages in songs and music in their worship and prayer services and, to illumine the Christ-likeness within us so that all may be drawn to Jesus Christ; C). To train choir members and leaders, strengthen and nurture; develop a network and open avenues of communication among members through spiritual awareness; thereby committing themselves boldly to Jesus Christ and are characterized by intellectual excellence, moral integrity, spiritual courage, and holiness of hearts and soul, and D). To educate, nurture a culture call in worship, care and serve the needy, orphan children and elderly by providing shutters, food and clothing for their needs. Article IV: General Structure of the Association The general structure of the association shall be composed of the national board of directors and the national administration. The national administration is responsible to the national board of directors. Both the national board of directors and the national administration are answerable to the general body of the association. Section 1. The national board of directors shall be composed of ’the local board of directors, nomination and elections, and its standing committees. Section 2. The national administration shall be composed of local administrations, council of choir directors and standing committees. Officers of the national and local administrations are elected on varying terms. Article V National Board of Directors Section 1.The national board of directors shall serve as a functional body and the spiritual head of the association. In consultation with the general body, the board shall make final decisions for the association. Section 2. Elections of members of the national board of directors shall be held every four year at a national convention of the association. Ten members shall be elected in addition to two-person representatives each to the board from the local branches of the association. Section 3. Officers of the national board shall be elected during the first meeting of the board in session after general elections. Officers shall be a chairperson, a vice chairperson, a secretary and a chaplain. They shall serve a four-year term each and can seek re-elections. Section 4 . The board shall have the following standing committees: (A) Audit, (B) Education, and (C) Memorials. READ MORE...
jccaus, jcca-usa, joint christian choice association of usa