Mission Statement To proclaim the gospel, initiate, facilitate and support the foresting of and developing a community of faith to work mutually with church_ denominations in common growth, and development of a spiritual life of sacrifice, service and witness; illumine the Christ-likeness within us so that all may be drawn to Him who is “the author and perfecter of our faith. Bylaws Article I Members Section 1.The association shall have regular members and honorary members.Registered members are considered regular members. They are those who shall subscribe to the general principles and accept the statement of faith of the association.Honorary members are those who shall give financial and moral supports to the association in all its activities, but are not considered registered members.The honorary members are people and institutions who shall be recommended by the administration and approved by the board. Section 2.Anyone wishing to be a member of the association can do so during an occasion, a meeting of a branch, or by applying for membership to the association through one of its branches.Any one who applies to be a member of the association during one its general programs shall be asked to choose a branch that he/she wishes to be a member. Section 3.Members should first be loyal to their home churches and then the association.In the case of a member who has not find a church, the association shall help to find a church of the person’s choice. Section 4.When a person is received as member of the association, the name, date of birth, address, telephone, email address, county and country of origin must be listed to form part of the person’s record. Section 5.The names of new members should be kept for three months in the role book of a branch before they can be transferred into the general membership role book of the association. Once the names of members have entered into the general role book of the association, such members are considered national members of the association. Section 6.Members should be responsible Christians in the community in which they live; promote a spirit of mutual understanding in Christian perspectives and shall be in good standing in the churches they serve. Section 7.Members are responsible to participate in the corporate life of the association, bound in sacred covenant to shoulder the burdens, share the risks, and celebrate the joys of fellow members. Section 8.Members should accept committee assignments and perform the tasks given to them in a timely manner; work harmoniously with each other.
Section 9.Members must be impartial, fair, and courteous in meetings, thereby respecting the rights of others and listen attentively and wait in turn to speak. Section 10.Inactive members shall be removed from the general membership roll book at a general assembly meeting.The reasons for removing inactive members names shall be: a) not attending meetings of a branch, b) not paying dues, c) refusing to come to call meetings by invitations of a local branch and refusing to answer questions or failing to appear. Section 11.The names of inactive members shall be brought to the attention of a general assembly meeting for discussions and then a two-thirds majority vote shall carry the removal of any name from the association role book. Section 12.Members of every branch shall pay monthly dues and fees for other occasions to the local administration.Members and officers dues shall be determine by the local administrations and the fees for annual conference and birth anniversary of the association shall be determined by the finance committee annually and approved by the national administration.
Section 13.There are two set of official uniforms: Green and White, and Black and Purple.Green and white is the uniform for official ceremonies and occasions such as the closing of conferences and funeral services of the association as well as other special occasions deemed necessary by the national administration and, Black and Purple shall be used for official wake-keeping of the death of a national member, and can be used during funeral services where JCCA-USA shall be invited to participate. Article II Members Rights
Section 1.In order for the Joint Christian Ch0ir Association - USA to grow spiritually and be successful, all its members must be respected and their talents recognized and cultivated.Every member shall have the right to come with ideas that will be presented to assembly meetings to decide upon.Every member shall have the right to be present, speak, raise point of order, and vote on issues during all assembly meetings of the association.Section 2.Every member must know what is going on; inspect official records, receive notices and reports from officers, committees, national administration and the board.
Section 3.In the event where the bylaws or other rules of the Joint Christian Choir Association-USA are not being followed or when member’s rights are being taken away in a meeting, it should be the responsibility of the members to courteously call the violation to the attention of the general assembly.All members have equal rights and responsibilities; and everything should be accomplished in the spirit of oneness.
Article III Officers Section 1.Officers of the national administration are president, vice president, general coordinator, general secretary, financial secretary, treasurer, choir director, assistant choir director, and chaplain. Section 2.The national president is the administrative head and spokesperson of the association.He/she shall be elected and serve a three (3) -year term. Section 3.The local president is the administrative head of the local administration. He/she shall be elected and serve a two (2)-year term. Section 4.The national president may seek re-elections but not for more than two terms consecutively. The officer so desiring may, however, seek re-elections after a term interval. And local presidents and all other officers can seek re-elections for more than two terms.
Section 5.Officers of the national board of directors are chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and chaplain.Officers are to serve a four-year term and can seek re-elections for more than two terms. Article IV Qualifications and Duties of Officers Section 1.1: To be nominated for an office in the association, a member must meet the qualifications (section 1.2) and other requirements in regard to education and age of the office that a member is seeking. Section 1.2.Member seeking national position must have served in a branch of the association for a period of two years and in good standing and must:
(a)demonstrate leadership skills
(b)be able to professionally represent the association
(d)be able to serve as role model within and outside of the association(e)be able and willing to work as team player
(f)have interpersonal and public communication skills
(g)be a born again Christian and have Bible knowledge
Section 2.1.A member contesting for the position of national president of the association must be a high school graduate or its equivalent and must meet the qualifications requirement as mentioned in section 1.2.He/she must be at least the age of twenty-one and above and have been a member of a branch of the association for two years.Section 2.2.The national president shall be elected for a three-year term.He/she shall seek re-elections for the same office for not more than two consecutive terms but after a term interval. Section 2.3.If the office of the president is made vacant by removal, death or impeachment, resignation or inability to discharge the powers and duties of said office, the vice president shall replace him/her. Section 2.4.The president shall chair the national executive committee meetings and appoint all heads of standing and special committees. All appointees shall serve at the pleasure of the president. Section 2.5.the president shall be responsible to: (a)Make periodic visit to all branches, (b)Focus on the association major goals and objectives,(c)Plan and organize, (d)Make strategic decisions, and (e)Submit biannual report to the national board of directors. Section 2.6.The national president shall enter into contracts and agreements in consultation with the general membership and with the approval of the national board of directors.The national president or his/her designed shall represent the association at all functions, ceremonies and occasions. Section 3.The vice president shall serve as head of the association in the absent of the president and shall meet the qualifications and requirement as of the president and serve the same term as of the president.He/she may seek elections for the office of national president after a three-year term. Section 4.Whenever the office of the vice president is made vacant by removal, death, resignation or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the general coordinator shall immediately act as vice president and, the national president shall within thirty working days nominate to the national board of directors a member of the association to serve as vice president. Section 5.Anyone seeking for the position of a national vice president must be a member of a branch for two years prior to seeking for the position.He/she must be a high school graduate or its equivalent and be at the age of twenty-one years or above. Section 6.The general coordinator shall coordinate the activities of the association, be the chief liaison officer serving between the local and national administrations.He/she shall be responsible for relief services. He/she shall meet the qualifications as of the national president and shall be at the age of eighteen years or above, a high school graduate or its equivalent Section 7.The general secretary is the custodian of the association‘s records.He/she must meet the qualifications as of the president and be at the age of eighteen and above.He/she shall be responsible to take minutes and read those minutes, and be present at all assembly meetings and every function of the association.He/she must be a high graduate or its equivalent. The candidate for the position of general secretary must have been a member of a branch for two years prior to contesting for the position. Section 8.The financial secretary shall meet the qualifications as of the president and shall be at the age of eighteen and above.He/she shall keep accurate record of financial transactions and issue receipts.He/she must have accountant background and knowledge of or experience in money management.He/she must be a high school graduate or its equivalent and must have been a member of a branch for two years prior to contesting for the position. Section 9.The treasurer shall keep the association’s money, be authorized to disburse payment of bills, and deposit money in the banking account of the association. He/she must keep accurate record of all receipts in the book of the association which shall be and will remain the property of the association. He/she shall submit financial reports to the National Executive Committee during every assembly meeting.The record of the treasurer shall be audited biannually and such audit report shall be submitted to the association via the national board of directors during general assembly meeting.He/she must have been a member of the association for two years and at the age of twenty-one and above to be eligible to contest for the position of a treasurer. Section 10.Signatories to the association’s account shall be the national president, chairperson of the national board of directors and the treasurer.Two signatories shall withdraw money from the Association’s account. Section 11.The choir director has the sole authority to conduct the musical affairs of the association.He/she shall supervise and direct the activities of the choir during all occasions of the association.He/she is the head of the council of choir directors and must meet the qualification as of the president.He/she must have been a member of the association for two years prior to his/her contesting for the position. Section 12.The choir director and the assistant choir director must be present at all occasions of the association which shall include and not limited to national and international conferences.In the event that the association is invited to participate in religious occasions or programs, the choir director shall be the first to receive such communication from the national administration.In collaboration with the council of choir directors and the members, the choir director shall inform the national administration if the association will be prepared to participate in such an occasion or program. Section 13.The council of choir directors shall be composed of all local choir directors, teachers, Songwriters and drummers.The council shall hold a two-day conference twice a year for the purpose of teaching, practicing and learning new songs.The council shall meet and submit annual budget which shall be inclusive of the choir director and assistant choir director annual visitations. The budget shall be submitted to the national administration during the annual conference.The council shall decide the dates and places of its meetings and, report its activities in the business sessions of the annual conference. Section 14.The choir director and the assistant choir director shall visit every branch of the association twice annually.The directors shall decide on the plan of visitations. Section 15.The national assistant choir director shall act in the place of the choir director if he/she is not present, and must meet the qualifications as that of the president.In the event that the choir director is unable to perform such task as director of the choir, the assistant choir director shall replace him/her.He/she must be at the age of eighteen or above and must have been a member of a branch for two years prior to contesting for the position of a national assistant choir director. Section 16.The national chaplain shall be the spiritual guidance of the administration.He/she shall have biblical knowledge and be present at all meetings.He/she must meet the qualifications of that of the president and be at the age of eighteen and above. He/she must have been of member of a branch for two years before contesting for the position of national chaplain. Section 17.To avoid conflict of interest members shall not hold two elected positions, but can be appointed as heads of committees. Section 18.Any vacancy of national position in the association shall be announced with immediate effect and the process of filling such position shall be within forty days after the announcement.The nominating committee shall be empowered to receive applications from candidates and bi-elections shall be held on a Saturday at a special called meeting of the general assembly.The same shall devolve on local branch administration. Read Article V Meetings
Article VI Board of Directors Section1.The board of directors shall serve as a functional body and the spiritual head of the association.In consultation with the general body, it shall make final decisions for the association.It shall meet twice annually and shall cite the national president at each of its meeting.The national president shall submit its reports which may include and not limited to operating budgets and projects for approval. Section 2.Under the supervision of the board, the national administration shall host the birth anniversary celebration.The birth anniversary celebration shall begin on Saturday and end on Sunday of the last weekend in March. Section 3.All inactive board members shall be removed from the board.Two-thirds majority votes of the board shall remove an inactive member; this also shall constitute all inactive elected officers of the association. Whenever an elected officer is inactive, a two-third majority votes shall remove the officer.The vote shall take place at a general assembly meeting or a special called meeting of the administration or the board. Section 4.If an elected officer is removed from office, or a member of the board is removed from the board, a bi-election shall be conducted.Such elections shall be done through the due process of elections of the association. Article VII Death of a member : Section 1.If a national member died, the branch president shall within twenty-four hours inform the national president.The national president shall request the membership committee to search the record of the deceased person.If the deceased was in good standing, the national president shall inform the general body. Read Article Extra.....