Our President
Hon. Charles D. Carter, National President
My fellow laborers and supporters of the Joint Christian Choir Association-United States of America, I am very delighted to greet and welcome you to the tenth JCCA-USA, Inc., Annual Convention.
This gathering, in the Midwestern region of the United States of America, truly opens another chapter in the history of JCCA-USA, in that it reminds us of where we were and how far we have progressed. Since we started keeping record for our conferences ten years ago, this is the first time we are in this part of America, which is a great adventurer. At this point in time, I would ask for us to look back and thank God, look forward and trust God, look around and serve God and look within and find God.
Another year has gone by so fast and we were faced with many challenges - how we view them defines us! Do we choose to see the challenges as stepping-stones or as obstacles? If we choose to see them as obstacles, then the challenges we face will be viewed as problems - problems that need to be overcome along with all the negative connotations associated with problems. My Brothers and Sisters, a great deal of wasted energy cannot be spent focusing on a negative mindset. As Christians, the Leadership team met and reaffirmed our dedication and promised to be consistent and persevere so we can do the work we are elected to do.
Each year at this time we meet to revisit our goals and objectives, examine our
progress over the last twelve months and revive our commitment to making the
efforts of creating avenues to make someone’s life a bit better every day. As we
have signed a legitimate contract with National Engineering Company (NEC) a 100% Liberian owned business–to construct our Multi-Purpose Building in Duazohn, lower Margibi County, Liberia - West Africa-we now have a safety net in place. I recommend that we upgrade our program to invest in the United States to include a Day Care for both Children and Adults or acquire a Community Hall. As an organization, we need to have a structure in
place to identify with as a major achievement in the United States.
On behalf of the national executive committee and the national board of directors, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the officers and members of the Minnesota branch for taking the challenge to
host the 10thNational Convention, after been established for less than two years. We remain optimistic that this convention will be a great success. The theme of this year’s Convention is ‘’THERE IS JOY IN GIVING’’.
The leadership team in collaboration with the National Board of Directors welcomes and gives special recognitions to Sister Sarah Roberts of JCCA-Rhode Island; Rev. Garmondeh Karnga, JCCA-Liberia member, and the JCCA-Liberia National Queen, Sister Marvoi Karnga-Momo to this year’s convention.
With this in mind, I therefore urge you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to relax and enjoy the activities of the 2012 JCCA-USA National Convention, so well planned by our able committee.
May the Almighty God guide and direct the affairs of the Tenth Annual National Convention. I wish you peace, blessing and safe journey as you head back to your respective states of residence.
Thank You,
Charles D. Carter, National President JCCA-USA